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Ask the Doctor


Have a question pertaining to ovarian cancer? Ask our medical advisory board. Your question will be sent off to the board, and your response will then be posted to our "Ask the Dr. Blog." We will send you an email once your question has been answered.

3 comentarios

04 abr 2018

Question for the Medical Advisory Board:

How often does the problem of heart disease/damage occur after receiving post cancer radiation treatment in the chest area? I had been advised that this may be an issue. I had a cardiac work-up about 15 years ago. It was good. This past December, I became a heart attack survivor. I had to be shocked back to life. I though surviving ovarian cancer was my great health accomplishment in my life. Now, I am fighting heart valve disease. My aortic and mitral valve are greatly damaged. According to my cardiologists, the damage occurred when I received my radiation treatment. In a couple weeks, I will be having open heart surgery to replac…

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16 nov 2017

Answer from a member of the Medical Advisory Board :

"Hello!  Thank you for reaching out with your question.  Based on the findings of imaging, the cyst *could*resolve on its own.  However, my concern is the CA 125 was 619.  This is quite high, and needs further work up.  Was the imaging a CT scan or just the ultrasound?  I would start with a CT scan, and see if there are any other findings within the abdomen or pelvis.  This may give you more information to make your decision.

However, most likely the recommendation is for removal with the high CA 125.  I hope this helps.  Please reach out with further questions."

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09 nov 2017

Question for the Medical Advisory Board:

Hello, I am 67 years old woman. I recently had a CA125 test and the reading from the test was 619. I subsequently had a sonography and there was a cyst in my right ovary with the size of 47 * 44 mm (11mm thickness of the cyst wall). My doctor's advice is to do a surgery and remove the cyst. I have a friend (doctor) which recommends me to wait and see if the cyst goes away on its own. I am therefore wondering what would be best option for me to do (am a bit scared of surgery). Is there any other additional tests I have to do before making a de…

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